Sunday, July 28, 2024

Pebbles, Shiny and Footlights

Mirai Melody

Pebbles, Shiny, and Footlights decided to order a birthday cake from the local store. They had tried to bake one. However, that didn't work out well. Let's just say that a burned down kitchen was a small portion of the problem. So, they ordered the cake, their angelic little faces looking up at the store owner. And they waited. And they waited some more. They became restless. Where's the kitchen, they asked. Long story short, Pebbles, Shiny and Footlights ended up in jail for burning down the whole block. Talk about an upgrade, minus the birthday cake, they said, chuckling.
100 Word Stories

Monday, July 22, 2024

Red Wine

Mirai Melody

He looked at the menu.
"Any red wine?"
The waiter shrugged.
"Any pizza?"
The waiter opened his eyes wide.
"Pizza?!" The waiter shook his head. "Here, Japanese food. If you want pizza, go to Italy."
"How rude. I'll just use my phone translator."
He fired up the app and pointed the phone at the menu.
"Lots of dishes. Oh, wait a sec. Waiter!"
The waiter got back.
"Four bodies for 130 yen?!"
The waiter sighed.
"Yes, the other three are in the freezer. We're just waiting for a fourth one."
That's when he decided to tiptoe out of there asap.
100 Word Stories

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Camp NaNoWriMo


(Tentative Cover and Title)

Goal: Brainstorm and research characters and setting for NaNoWriMo (in November).
Word count: 40k = 40 hours of work.

I've reached my goal today. I have my cast and my setting.

Sunday, July 14, 2024


Mirai Melody

She had just left everything behind. Her home, her family, her friends, her job, her money. She needed money. Desperately. As she walked through the cobbled streets of the old town, people stared at her, a sense of strangeness brewing their uncertainty. A multitude of colorful flower pots decorated their open windows and their doorsteps. And here she was, black clothes, black eye-shadow, black nail polish. She carried a bag full of books and nothing but doubts on her mind. She smiled. Perhaps this place could become a home. Someone smiled back. Yes, this place could definitely become a home.
100 Word Stories

Saturday, July 13, 2024



Mirai Melody

The old millionaire had been poisoned 3 times. Two when eating puffer fish (was the chef in on it?), and another when his wife tried to get his money. Yes, he was still married to her. There was no point in wasting a perfectly good wife. She loved shrimp. So, she should have plenty of it. When the police called, he asked "did she eat the shrimp?". That was a strange question, they said. He replied "why? is she still alive?". They didn't arrest him because the cops always ate for free in his restaurants and besides, he was Yakuza.
100 Word Stories