Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Book, a Gift From a Stranger

Milk Wood

It's almost half past four. I pick up the book, a gift from a stranger in the park. "It's about France," he said with a smile. It hit me then that if I don't leave, she will destroy me. "Why do you hate me so much?" She asked. I don't. I never have. Wrong answer. And after that, she punished me for weeks with silence. I grab my small backpack, my whole life in it, and go. A gift, a smile, a gesture of generosity, and I am free. That's all it took. Amazing, isn't it? That's all it took.
100 Word Stories

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Car Crash


They survived the car crash. They survived the cruise ship sinking in the Mediterranean. They survived the train wreck in Sri Lanka. And the list went on and on. A tsunami, a volcanic eruption, a flood, a tornado, even a pandemic. Until that long-awaited trip to the North pole. "Take the icebreaker. It's safer," someone said." No, of course not. "Let's do something dangerous. Nothing ever happens to us." They rented a small plane. Did they know how to fly a plane? Not really. And that's where the list stopped. Simulation terminated. "Lousy game. Good thing it was dirt cheap."
100 Word Stories

Sunday, February 11, 2024




Love is such an illusive word. It's not a word, she promptly said, it's a feeling. And there I sat, wondering what she meant. She had never loved anyone and here she was, full of herself, pontificating about love. I just sat there, chain-smoking, which she hated. She pretty much hated everything about me. I'm not sure why she married me. In the end, love is such an illusive word, isn't it? It just means that sometimes you do things for love. She wouldn't have to suffer with my wrong-doings. That hammer was indeed sturdy, as promised at the store.
100 Word Stories

Sunday, February 4, 2024




The yacht was tired. The crew and the passengers were also tired. No radio signal.
The Captain looked at the First Officer. "Let's rest here."
Suddenly, something something "What's your position?".
"Captain, we need time to fix the hull."
"We'll stay here. Nice, tropical island. We'll be fine."
When the search party arrived, the locals snickered.
"Where are they? The yacht is right over there."
The locals snickered some more.
No one was found.
However, there were some suspiciously fresh bones, hanging above the doors of the houses.
That's when the search party decided to leave as quickly as possible!