Sunday, June 27, 2021


Milk Wood

Footnote is the prompt, they said.
Footnote... Something about a writer... no, that's boring.
A mystery then. Something that had remained unspoken for many decades.
OK, let's go crazy then, why not!
Let's add a guillotine, but not just any guillotine, one made of solid gold.
Oh, and the Chinese mafia, determined to get to the said guillotine.
Now, the house. A strange house with secret compartments, dusty and dark.
Plus a few characters, odd characters.
Who's the main character?
Yes, that woman, what's her name...
The bell rang. Damn.
"Your time is up."
The Unspoken Footnote. It's a start!

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Riding Shotgun


Sitting in the back made him feel sick, very sick.
The vehicles were old and made out of scrap, the rusted parts an adventure each time they bumped against a rock on the road. Plus, it didn't help that all the guys drove like lunatics.
When he was promoted to siting in the front, he couldn't be happier. No more snarky remarks about how green he looked. He was free!
When that unidentified piece of metal poked his right eye out, the first thought that crossed his mind was "it doesn't matter, green no more!"
Priorities, yes, priorities are paramount!

Sunday, June 13, 2021


Collins Land

Trading vintage posters had become quite the busy activity.
John had a bunch of them hanging on the walls of his study.
He dusted them and created a website to sell them. Trading was for retards.
The phone rang a few days later.
A man was interested. And John was happy.
They met and John opened the trunk of his car.
"No trading."
The man sneered and walked away.
The man waved dismissively.
John went back home, updated the website, traded a bunch of posters for different ones.
Yup, John, just go with the flow. It'll be less painful.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

What's That On the Horizon?

Milk Wood

She sat there and watched the horizon. The view was stunning. She closed her eyes and waited. She didn't know what she was waiting for. She just knew she had to be there. And she sat for a long time.
A dog barked far away and she snapped out of her hypnotic state. The horizon was still there, the view still stunning.
And then she knew why she had to sit there, waiting.
She knew she had to learn that despite everything she was going through, she could still come back and sit down, quietly, peacefully, and be. Just be.