Sunday, June 28, 2020

What's That on the Radar?


The dot on the screen appeared and disappeared. Damn radar. The next shift would take care of it.
Everyone had turned in for the night and the city lights had been dimmed down. His favorite time of day. He walked by himself. And that was the last walk he took.
They appeared in white robes and masks. They treated everyone like cattle.
They always said this was a planet... It wasn't. It was a ship that had completed its mission. The people were nothing but lab rats. And life would never be the same again. The radar was shut off.

Sunday, June 21, 2020



She found a small jar in her granny's attic. Something sparkled inside.
She placed it back on a shelf and left without telling anyone anything about it.
When her granny died, she went back to the attic.
When she opened it, a swirl of light turned everything into a neon palette of greenery.
She read the small paper stuck to the bottom - "Mushrooms, theirs."
The following night, she was visited by them. The weird ones no one knew about, the aliens.
The attic... well, she turned it into a museum where everyone would see... things that didn't really exist.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

We Apologize For The Inconvenience


"Where did you get the wound?" asked his boss as he closed the garage door.
The young man shrugged.
"It looks bad. Go to the hospital. Get that checked."
He nodded and walked away.
"Weird kid. I better check if anything is going on in here."
The boss opened the door and looked around. Nothing was out of place.
As he closed the door, he saw it. He walked closer.
It blinked.
"What the..."
It was the kid.
Before the night was over, there would be two of him as well.
This was just the beginning of the end.

Sunday, June 7, 2020



The basement of the cathedral was off-limits.
After entering...
"Is this it?" His voice echoed through the web of archways.
The room was empty. A small stand at the back seemed to have some dry red on it.
"Sacrifices," he whispered, thrilled.
The adventure was becoming a lot more interesting than he expected.
Something sparkled in the corner. A button. Press it, press it.
A heavy stone door opened. He walked in. It closed behind him. The sun came through some small windows.
"What is this? The basement?"
The stone door didn't open again.
Never seek what you cannot handle.