Saturday, April 30, 2022

Camp NaNoWriMo Done


This year's April Camp was bittersweet, I must admit.
I was too ambitious. Four short stories in four weeks, considering what is going on in Real Life, was indeed very ambitious.
However, I did manage to set the basis for one (yes... only one) story. And I did reach the 20k mark I had established as a goal.
That 20k number is a mix of the amount of words written and, when no words were written but research was done, the amount of time spent, per NaNoWriMo's suggestion - every 30 mins = 500 words.
So, it's done. More in July! Well, more tomorrow. I'll continue to work on this story and get it finished before July arrives with another Camp!

1 comment:

  1. You did great, well done, I am proud of you.
