Sunday, September 15, 2024

Icing On the Cake



I bought a ticket. It didn't matter where to. I got on the train and closed my eyes. Things would get better. There was a commotion on the platform. Voices shouting, people rushing. When they called out my name, I sank in my seat. But why would I hide? I was a grown woman. I could go anywhere I wanted. Are you this person? Yes. Come with us. Why? And then I knew. She had called the cops on me. My daughter is missing... Oh, I'm so worried. Yes, she wanted me back. The icing on her sadistic little cake.
100 Word Stories

Sunday, September 8, 2024




What do you do? I fight demons.
Whose? Mine and hers.
Why? Because her demons feed off of mine. Her demons eat me alive and become stronger.
When did this start? Since the beginning, but I only noticed it a few years ago. I didn't know I had demons. I didn't know she had demons. I certainly didn't know I would have to fight.
Is that from a film? No.
Because I sent you a package with a bunch of films. It's not from a film.
Have you been sleeping? No.
Are you winning the fight? No.
100 Word Stories

Sunday, September 1, 2024




It was dark. The swamp was weird. It bubbled, for some mysterious reason. And she had to step into it to prove herself, they said, to be part of the gang. The whole thing was pathetic, of course. But you'll only be cool at school if the cool kids accept you. So, the swamp it was. Good thing she had a flashlight. She pointed at the others just to make sure they were still there. And it took exactly 0.4 seconds for the thing to snack on them. They were gone. Well, guess I'm the coolest kid now, she thought.
100 Word Stories