Sunday, February 23, 2025

No Idea!

Missing Melody


What is that?
A map.
Of what?
No idea.
North Pole?
South Pole?
Then what?
No idea.
Speak louder, my hearing aid is not charged.
No need to shout.
You told me... Ok, never mind.
So, it's not the North Pole or the South Pole.
What is it then?
I don't know, I forgot to bring my glasses.
Aviator's map?
Well, when I look at it this way, it kind of looks like a squirrel.
A what?
A squirrel. Just squint and you'll see.
Short circuit alert. Later.
It's a squirrel, I tell ya!
100 Word Stories

Sunday, February 16, 2025



Missing Melody

It was official. He left her. How would she face the family? The friends? The people at the tennis club? So, she told everyone that he would be away on business.... for a year. That should be enough to find someone and not look like a total loser. And then she got his text: I loved you at your darkest. She was confused. Darkest? She always wore white because of that positive energy crap. And if he meant her insecurities, she had none. Note to self: buy horrid new tennis skirt model that everyone was now wearing. At your darkest...
100 Word Stories

Sunday, February 9, 2025



Missing Melody

He wondered what that was. A pseudo kebab featuring the most unusual looking food? Upon inquiring about what exactly was being cooked, he realized that some strange items had indeed been stabbed and were merrily burning away. As far as he could see (no pun intended), there were eyes mixed with a few fingers and something that resembled a dragon wing, that is if there were dragons. He wasn't quite sure what to make of it, but he was hungry and he could just close his eyes. He did. Let's just say the following week was not the easiest week.
100 Word Stories

Sunday, February 2, 2025



Missing Melody

She would always hold a book and ask the kids to "read" from it. On each page, nothing but a few smudges and a handful of lost letters. The kids would then come up with a story. She would write it down on the blackboard, making everyone cringe and giggle when the chalk squeaked. The story would be copied to a notebook which would find its way onto a bookshelf. The next day, the same old smudges, the same old lost letters would inspire a new story. She hoped the kids would remember this for the rest of their lives.
100 Word Stories

Sunday, January 26, 2025

A Blond!


Milk Wood

"I don't want to know what you do with those humans. All I know is that when you come back, you can hardly function. You keep yelling Die! Die! Die! and you want to have a plant-based diet for weeks. And there's no point in coming up with excuses. It was the trip. It was the pollution, it was the weather. There's always something. This time, you had a drawing of a blond. A blond! So, I want a divorce."
"A divorce?! Have you been reading the books I brought back with me again? We don't even have marriages here!"

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Postal Bomb

Milk Wood


Buy the explosives. Don't tell anyone.
Buy the explosives online. Don't tell anyone.
Buy the explosives on the dark web. Don't tell...
OK, how do I get on the dark web?
I could ask that crazy guy who smokes pot all day. No, better not. Perhaps that other one who buys bread on Wednesdays, the one who only wears black. No... The neighbor down the street? Oh, no, not that one, his brother is a cop. Abort, abort. Bad, bad idea.
This is not going well. Think.
OK, easy steps.
Buy envelope. Don't tell anyone. Avoid Wednesdays, just in case.

Sunday, January 12, 2025


Goblins Knob 2024

The toy clinic was closed. What now? The child looked at her mother with anguish. The mother knocked at the door feverishly until a light came on. What is it, we're closed. They knew, but... and the mother pointed at her child, a broken toy cradled in her arms. OK, let's do this. And the toy was put back together, slowly, with care. Years later, the child, now an adult, heard someone knocking feverishly. She turned the light on and opened the door. Let's do this. Everything will be OK. And another mother, another child, another toy could breathe again.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

It's me

Milk Wood

It's me. I'm the one who wrote that. When you look at me, you'll know what it's like to be me. But you don't look. You don't. You're inside yourself in a world of fantasy that exists only in your head. A chosen blindness that makes everything collapse. But you're not worried. No. You prefer it this way. You are you, and everyone else is not real. So, when you look in the mirror, you will pretend to find out what it's like to be me, and I'll say "that is me". But you won't know, and you won't care.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Silly Hats and Smiles

Whispering Wind

 Hot chocolate for 25 cents. Silly hats get an extra free cup. And everyone made an effort. There were hats with books, hats with colorful feathers, hats with numbers, hats with beautiful flowers. But hers was the winning hat. It had happy chirping birds. At first, people thought the birds were tied to the hat. But they weren't! They were just sitting on it. And they weren't afraid either. How did you do it, people asked, mesmerized. She just walked around, sipping her extra cup of chocolate slowly and smiling. Animals know. They just know. A smile can do wonders!

Sunday, December 22, 2024




Santa was furious. He had finished his route and there were still a thousand gifts in his sleigh. Who messed up? Santa paced left and right, as red as his outfit, throwing his hands in the air. What are the kids going to say? And the parents? They relied on him to deliver the right gifts to the right addresses. The ranting continued on and on until one of the elves whispered "They are for you from us all." Santa was speechless. He was used to cookies and milk, not real gifts and so beautifully wrapped too! So, he smiled.