Sunday, December 29, 2024

Silly Hats and Smiles

Whispering Wind

 Hot chocolate for 25 cents. Silly hats get an extra free cup. And everyone made an effort. There were hats with books, hats with colorful feathers, hats with numbers, hats with beautiful flowers. But hers was the winning hat. It had happy chirping birds. At first, people thought the birds were tied to the hat. But they weren't! They were just sitting on it. And they weren't afraid either. How did you do it, people asked, mesmerized. She just walked around, sipping her extra cup of chocolate slowly and smiling. Animals know. They just know. A smile can do wonders!

Sunday, December 22, 2024




Santa was furious. He had finished his route and there were still a thousand gifts in his sleigh. Who messed up? Santa paced left and right, as red as his outfit, throwing his hands in the air. What are the kids going to say? And the parents? They relied on him to deliver the right gifts to the right addresses. The ranting continued on and on until one of the elves whispered "They are for you from us all." Santa was speechless. He was used to cookies and milk, not real gifts and so beautifully wrapped too! So, he smiled.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Gift Card

Milk Wood

She loved adventure! She hated books. But the damn gift card said "Books". At the bookstore, she looked lost. So, the bookseller said, "We have some mystery packs." Well, OK... "A mystery pack, it is." When she opened the pack, it was... let's just say a surprising pack. You had to call a series of phone numbers to get the pick-up locations. The first one was called "Whispers Among the Gravestones" and the pick-up point was the local abandoned cemetery. Who would've thought that books could be so interesting after all? She would take some pepper spray, just in case.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Moxie Madness November


As a community, the Virtual Writers moved on from the writing event we sponsored for so many years and started our own Moxie Madness.
I'm proud to say that we've kept the same enthusiasm and perseverance. We've managed to achieve our goals, and those of us who didn't are now much closer. We met daily to work hard on our work in progress at our in-world home, Milk Wood, in Second LifeHarri, our fearless leader, once again, organized an amazing series of workshops to keep us motivated. It worked! And there was even a pep talk *cough cough* posted in the Virtual Writers blog.

See you in April for more Moxie Madness!

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Mr. Right


Silver Sea

Mr. Right lived in the lighthouse across the street. The place was hideous and no one ever visited it. Mr. Right was the typical know-it-all. When proven wrong, he'd blatantly lie. Everyone hated him, everyone except his neighbor who'd often ask to see the gallery because, as he said, "he enjoyed the fresh air". And he tried, he tried many times. Mr. Right knew the neighbor wanted the lighthouse. Some plan to increase the flow of tourists and become the mayor. It turned out, Mr. Right wasn't Mr. Stupid so he never stood alone on that balcony with Mr. Ambitious.

Sunday, December 1, 2024




"He was arrested for playing awful music on the freaking harp."
"What's that?"
"Crappy music?"
"No. That word..."
"It's that musical instrument!"
"Ah. What happened to the harp?"
"What do you mean?"
"He was arrested. And the harp?"
"How do I know what happened to the harp?!"
"Was it a big harp or a small harp?"
"It was an I-don't-care-harp." "
"Testy, just asking."
"I'll have to bond him out."
"OMG, have you been paying attention to anything at all? The gold is in the harp."
"Now I'm confused, how can that be an I-don't-care-harp then?"
"OK, bye."