Sunday, June 25, 2023




At the crack of dawn, the rats would come out to play.
He knew they would try to shine.
But he wouldn't let them. Oh, no.
At the crack of dawn, the rats would start to talk.
He knew they'd give him up.
But he wouldn't let them. Oh, no.
There was only one way to stop this madness.
He drove to them.
At the crack of dawn, he knocked on their door.
They opened, saw him and tried to run.
It was messy and they never got to shine.
He almost felt for them, at the crack of dawn.
100 Word Stories

Sunday, June 18, 2023




Canyon was a crow.
Canyon hated his name.
Canyon abhorred the guy who had named him.
Canyon never replied when the guy called him.
The guy's greenhouse was his pride.
So, Canyon started with pebbles and slowly upgraded to stones.
The day one of the windows shattered, Canyon cawed in triumph.
That's when he stopped being Canyon and became a Jerk.
Canyon didn't like Jerk either.
The guy fixed the window and sneered.
A convoluted plan ensued. Canyon's buddies would help.
Well, the guy didn't live long enough to enjoy his greenhouse.
It was a murder, by God, a murder!
100 Word Stories

Sunday, June 11, 2023




They said "You can become filthy rich being a travel blogger". He believed them. One day, a guy said "You're a wuss." He was no wuss. He was a King. "Off with his head!" He'd always wanted to say that. His kingdom. An old mattress, a dusty rug, a lamp. He could walk a few feet to the left and a few feet to the right. Thirty years, till the parole board decided he could leave. He did have some incense burning. It made him look normal. The severed head in his backpack was sloppy. Oh, well, stand still, Zen...!
100 Word Stories