Sunday, March 26, 2023

Cracked Goth

Amar En Meleth

The guy dressed in black, black eyeliner, black nail polish, black moon tattooed on his cheek.
"Metrics," he said.
I didn't understand what metrics had to do with the tattoo.
"Measures of quantitative assessment," he said.
I had questions.
The fireplace in the gazebo illuminated the cracked pavement.
"Beautiful," he said.
For a moment, I thought he meant me. I looked frantically in all directions, assessing my quantitative measures of evasion.
He meant the moon.
This wasn't going well, I had to admit.
Did he even notice I was there? Cracked pavement... Beautiful... More like a cracked brain, in black.

Sunday, March 19, 2023



The signal is blocked. We can't get through. I'm leaving this note. There's food for five days. After that... I don't know. I'm in my bunker. Perhaps we won't need food for five days. I go out at night to get my share from the warehouse. They hand it over through a small window. I never talk to anyone. I tried waving hello, but no one waved back. Now, when I see someone else, I cross the street and walk away. By the way, if I don't make it, they're all in the Mayor's pool. And no, they're not swimming.

Sunday, March 12, 2023




The string of lights reminded me of you.
It reminded me of those days we spent in the cinema parking lot, next to the industrial fan, barely able to hear each other.
The string of lights reminded me of you and me.
It reminded me of the shouted out tunes that were just laughter.
It reminded me of when our fingers touched by mistake and we didn't know what to do.
Did you say "I love you"?
The string of lights reminded me of us.
The cinema is now gone but I can still hear that silent I love you.

Sunday, March 5, 2023



Time Remains

I was setting up the new store display. Pillows and whatever... Plus the robot, of course. The boss loved the robot.
That's when a customer asked "What's the price range?"
How do I know?!
"We don't sell peace and quiet, sir."
He opened his mouth as if to say something. Then, he gave up.
Stupid customers.
"Anything else, sir?"
That's when he snatched the robot and ran!
The range on the tracker was huge. I didn't bother chasing him. The boss would find it.
I, however, had trouble finding a new job.
Peace and quiet... I wish someone sold that.