Sunday, November 25, 2018

The Crow and the Spaceship

Raven Lake

The crow muttered a few words. No one could understand him. He looked up and everyone mimicked him. They couldn't see anything.
The crow flapped his wings. His nervousness was increasing.
Then, they saw it. It was blinding. It tinted the whole sky with an overwhelming tone of orange.
“What is that?”
“That, you idiots, is your end.”
They did understand the crow this time, but they stood there mesmerized, watching the spaceship fly over them, again and again.
It didn't feel like the end.
The talking crow took off and hid.
They... they were never seen again.
(PICK TWO: Bubbling, Saffron, Lime, Axial, Repetition, Can, Spaceship)

Sunday, November 18, 2018


Il Nido

To my grandmother who loved daisies

Winter is coming, they say. The flowers will go to sleep.
But these daisies flourished on. They never gave up.
The rain flooded the flower pots. The snow stifled everything cold. And they still managed to bloom.
He plucked a few and placed them in a beautiful jar. They collapsed that same day.
It was strange but also somehow comforting.
Eric felt his grandmother had something to do with this because she loved daisies.
He sneered. “Yes, Granny is watching from heaven and all that.”
Heaven was a strange concept for him. But then again, resilient daisies were that too.

Sunday, November 11, 2018


Salt Water

“Brace yourselves for the worst storm you have ever experienced. The winds will be cyclonic, the rain torrential. You may want to get these raincoats on. The waterproof boots will be extremely helpful too. Oh, and I advise you to wear these glasses to protect your eyes from flying debris. You'll never forget this experience, I assure you.” 
The group was skeptical, considering how beautiful and peaceful everything looked.
“It better be epic. We paid a lot of money for this.”
After a long wait, the only thing that flew was Steven, the guide of the weather-themed park.

Sunday, November 4, 2018


Il Nido

The four men sat at the table surrounded by birds chirping.
“This racket is driving me crazy.”
The others shrugged and continued to talk about the plan.
“All weapons on deck?” he asked.
The others nodded.
A map appeared out of nowhere.
“What if he's dead already?”
“Then, that's it.”
And he thought, no, that's not it. First, I'll come back and kill these damn birds. Then, I'll get rid of you cretins. And finally... Why not?
He pulled out two guns and shot the others right there and then.
Sometimes, there's no point in waiting.